For sale & wanted! Myydään/Ostetaan:
For sale: Cummins light 35e
Winch, "Warn" 4sale!
I want 1x 8-bolt (suburban)
questions? email: timo @
- Lataa tästä mallit pakosarjan tekoa varten Download exhaust flange drawings (zip files, includes .dwg, .dxf and .pdf files)
- Lataa tästä mallit moottorikiinnikkeiden tekoa varten Download engine fastener drawings (zip file, includes .jpg files)
Latest updates:
Here's few clips of the engine. First one right after startup at idle and the other one after few hours of running.
Clip 1
Clip 2
Pretty much ready for a test run.
Now I'm waiting to get a Fluid damper and injection pump back from a test bench. Can't do much before that:
May 12
Got the head gasket from Pure Diesel. Let's see how it handles ones up and running.
Got the pistons back in late last evening:
April 12
Shaved the pistons around 0,10mm due to block milling.
February 12
Finally I'm able to start put it back together. Tonight put on a new crank gear and bolted the crank on. Main bearing clearances got checked few evenings back. The crank turns freely, it all looks good:
January -12
The crank is straightened now from 0.20mm to 0.030mm with a hammer and dull head chisel, got it done in a few hours. Tonight polished the bearing surfaces ans shotpeened a matched set of rods ready for new upper bushings:
December -11
Got it back from nitriding few days back, looks great. Next to do is measure the straightness of the crank, since nitriding has a tendency to bend things.
November 11
After spending several hours at the shop by getting the crank back and forth between balancer and the lathe, got it done within a 2grams.
Got it up to this point few days ago. Finished the centers and sides of the mains. Saturday I'm heading to a shop for second round at the balancer, hopefully it's close to good.
Two center most journals milled, the weight taken off is around 130-150g. Gotto grind off more from towards the rear part. There's still a great change to keep it internally balanced.
October 11
The crank visited a balance shop and we found out that 170g needs to come off from center part to the rear and 63g off from center to front, following a taped line. Not too bad, considering the modifications is has been went through
Done. Even the existing brake lines fit right in the new calibers hose's after few bends. What's left to do is to run parking brake cables followed the same route than the old ones.
Bolt the rest on, slide in the shaft.
Trial assembly, all cleaned,painted and put back together with new parts.
September 11
While the crank is waiting to be turned down for .25mm bearings I did a disc brake conversion to burbans rear axle. First I grind off the old flange and weld on new a one. Got the new one water cut in a local shop.
Polishing work on progress:
All the rough grinding is now done, evenings of next few weeks is going to be smoothing it all out with a finer paper and deburing all the sharp corners.
While on the lathe, I mill some off from the journal sides.
Back to the lathe. I smooth cutting marks left by the upper mill with a belt sander.
After spending hours with upper mill. The crank started to take smoother shape.
April 11
Crank buildup has been jumped forward. I cut off most of the counterweights by using die grinder for a rough cutting:
Older updates:
Dec 2006
Oct-Nov 2006
Jul-Sep 2006
Jan-Jun 2006
Jul-Dec 2005
Jan-Jun 2005
Jul-Dec 2004
Jan-Jun 2004
Jul-Dec 2003
Jan-Jun 2003
Jul-Dec 2002
Check IFSJA;International FULLsizeJeeps
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